Our History

Joseph Williams
Civil War Veteran (Stonewall Brigade)
Born: March 22, 1825
Died: June 20, 1904

Emmett Eagle
Born: September 6, 1866
Died: November 30, 1936

Joe Garrett House
Millers Chapel Community of Lee County
The last house built by Emmett Eagle in 1920’s when he was in his late 60’s.

Ambrose Eagle Homeplace
Often we are asked how we got into the log home business. I always knew that someday I would build a log home and it looked like now was as good a time as any. The more brochures I looked through, the more confused I became, with each manufacturer claiming to be the best – I quickly saw their best just wasn’t what I wanted, so I decided to build my own. My dad’s Great Grandfather Ambrose Eagle and both his grandfathers, Emmett Eagle and Joseph Williams, were handcrafters and builders of log homes. “Logsmiths”, as they were called in those days. With this in mind, Judy and I simply took a framing square, level and common sense and went up the hill to an old log house which had been handcrafted by Ambrose Eagle, and studied the technique he had used – integrating modern technology and a few modifications of our own, devised a near perfect system.
Later, it seemed fitting to call our improved design “The Eagle System.” My dad, “Babe” was a retired coal miner and my uncle, Bob Williams, a retired carpenter. Combining their knowledge and expertise in hewing and handcrafting and my experience in construction, we began to build our first log home. The handcrafting was done on site, next to the foundation. The logs were hand hewn, the dovetail corners were notched, then the logs were placed in the wall, one at a time. When folks saw the handcrafting, hewing, dovetail notches and workmanship, word got around. The response was unreal!! Before our house was finished, we had orders for other log homes, and the rest is history. Old Virginia Hand Hewn Log Homes, Inc. was born in 1981 with the goal to continue an American heritage – handcrafting authentic, Appalachian style log homes – continuing a family tradition. (by Reed Williams)

All logs are stored to dry for at least four months before going to cutting stage. We learned that hewing the log speeds the drying process.

Your home will be shipped by company owned vehicles – not an independent trucker. Logs are set onto your subfloor directly from the tractor-trailer

Quality Control – Each log is inspected twice, first as it is being hewn; again in the cutting and fitting stage

Every hewer has his own pattern. Our hand hewing is not only an art, but is also beneficial to the drying process.
Careful research of early log home building has been combined with the latest technical skills and engineering design. This unique blend of old and new ensures quality and individuality in style and design for the creative person who wants a home that reflects their personality. When there comes a time the simple and ordinary just won’t do, you can select one of our exciting standard floor plans or use our in-house drafting service to produce a custom design. Customers ideas or plans are approximately 90% or our sales.
Old Virginia headquarters and manufacturing facility is located in the Southwestern tip of Virginia on US Highway 58 at Dot, between Duffield and Jonesville. The “LONESOME PINE D” and “ALLEGHENY B” models serve as our company headquarters. We invite you to spend the night in our “Rocky Top” log cottage which is nearby and view our home, “The Cumberland Gap”.
When you visit the manufacturing site, feel free to watch our handcrafters at work, even hew a log if you like. Spending the night in our cozy “Rocky Top” log guest house, inspecting the five other model homes as well as watching our handcrafters at work, should clarify a lot of unanswered questions.

Since 1981 Old Virginia Log Homes has prided themselves in the handcrafting of fine log homes and structures. No short cuts are taken in assuring that your home is the best that money can buy. Most of our craftsmen have been with us for many years and five of them since the beginning. Their experience is second to none, and their work speaks for itself.
It has been said that a product is only as good as the person or company behind it. We agree – but in the world of 360+ log home manufacturers, how does one separate the wheat from the chaff? When every manufacturer says their homes are the best, how does one know if what you see is what you will get? Old Virginia has the answer with our “What You See is What You Will Get” guarantee. When we decided to have a color brochure, it was strongly advised by advertising experts to have a professional photographer shoot the pictures, or set-ups, as they were called. Set-ups is not what Old Virginia is about.
I wanted our customers to see what they will get, so I got the world’s worst photographer (me) to take pictures of customer’s houses handcrafted by Old Virginia, with a plain, everyday camera set on monkey-proof so when you look at a picture in this brochure, you will see an actual untouched photo, not a souped up, fancy drawing. Sure, a drawing would be easier and would be simpler to print. But easier is not a way of life at Old Virginia, and authenticity is what you will get. That’s how it is at Old Virginia. Our guarantee is simple and to the point, and we stand behind it.
Old Virginia Log Homes’ commitment to you as a purchaser is spelled out in this guarantee. We call it our “What you see is what you will get” Guarantee. Before you buy a log home, you are invited to tour our facilities, inspect our models, and even spend the night in our guest cabin. If the overall quality of the home you purchase is not as good or better than what you saw at our headquarters, we will refund your money and the house is yours, free of charge. Plain and simple.
This Guarantee pertains only to the hand-hewn materials. If the quality is not what you saw at our models, you must notify our office by phone within 72 hours, and by a registered letter within 5 days from the time the erection crew leaves the job site. No other work can be commenced by the purchaser, his contractor or anyone on behalf of purchaser before, during or while the dispute is being settled, or the Guarantee is automatically VOID.
You still must pay for the house exactly as agreed upon in the payment schedule. (If there is any deviation from the payment schedule, or access, agreement, this guarantee is automatically rendered null and void. In the event of a dispute, the matter will be settled through arbitration, with the loser paying all arbitration and legal costs.)
We will do exactly what we have agreed to do in the sales contract, and we expect the purchasers to do exactly as they have agreed to do.
Each log is individually graded, inspected, and engineered according to the guidelines of Wood Structural Design Data, American Forest & Paper Association, which will conform with all National Building Codes.
Checks (or cracks if you prefer) in the logs are caused by the outside of the log drying faster than the inside. Checking does not affect structural soundness nor durability of the wood. Checks are a fact of life and cannot be prevented. Rarely will White Pine or Western Hem-Fir crack more than 1/3 of the thickness through the log, so there will be no air leaks through checks. We’ll provide to you, upon request, the caulk to seal any check 3/16″ wide. (The caulking used in our log structures is also guaranteed for the life of your home.)
Any log damaged by splash stemming from inadequate drainage (for example – uncovered deck) is not covered by this guarantee.
Your log structure is guaranteed against structural defects for as long as you own your home. The logs must be placed on an adequate foundation, be 8″ above finished grade, and the structure must have at least 16″ overhang.
Recognizing the average Log Home customer’s concern about insects, worms, whatever, in log homes, we give this simple guarantee which should eliminate any concern for one who buys an Old Virginia Log Home.
The foundation must have a soil poisoning treatment for termites by a certified exterminator. This treatment is normal application just as for any other house under construction. Old Virginia guarantees hand-hewn materials in your log structure to be insect free. Guarantee pertains only to the species of insect egg or larvae that would be in the hand-hewn material at the time the house is erected. “Fact of life” insects such as, but not limited to, carpenter bees, wasps, spiders, and wood bores (usually transported into the house by firewood), are specifically not covered under this Guarantee. In the event it is proven that your home does have the species of insect that was in the hand-hewn materials at the time of delivery, Old Virginia will take whatever steps necessary to alleviate the problem. You will have to talk to a higher authority about the “facts of life” insects.